/** * This file holds javscript functions that are used by the templates in the Theme * */ // AJAX FUNCTIONS function loadNewPage( el, url ) { var theEl = $(el); var callback = { success : function(responseText) { theEl.innerHTML = responseText; if( Slimbox ) Slimbox.scanPage(); } } var opt = { // Use POST method: 'get', // Handle successful response onComplete: callback.success } new Ajax( url + '&only_page=1', opt ).request(); } function handleGoToCart() { document.location = live_site + '/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.cart&product_id=' + formCartAdd.product_id.value + '&Itemid=' +formCartAdd.Itemid.value; } var timeoutID = 0; function handleAddToCart( formId, parameters ) { formCartAdd = document.getElementById( formId ); var callback = function(responseText) { updateMiniCarts(); // close an existing mooPrompt box first, before attempting to create a new one (thanks wellsie!) if (document.boxB) { document.boxB.close(); clearTimeout(timeoutID); } document.boxB = new MooPrompt(notice_lbl, responseText, { buttons: 2, width:400, height:150, overlay: false, button1: ok_lbl, button2: cart_title, onButton2: handleGoToCart }); setTimeout( 'document.boxB.close()', 8000 ); } var opt = { // Use POST method: 'post', // Send this lovely data data: $(formId), // Handle successful response onComplete: callback, evalScripts: true } new Ajax(formCartAdd.action, opt).request(); } /** * This function searches for all elements with the class name "vmCartModule" and * updates them with the contents of the page "shop.basket_short" after a cart modification event */ function updateMiniCarts() { var callbackCart = function(responseText) { carts = $$( '.vmCartModule' ); if( carts ) { try { for (var i=0; i -1 || navigator.appVersion.indexOf("msie 6") > -1) ) { document.writeln(' '); window.attachEvent("onload", fnLoadPngs); } function fnLoadPngs() { var rslt = navigator.appVersion.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/, ''); var itsAllGood = (rslt != null && Number(rslt[1]) >= 5.5); for (var i = document.images.length - 1, img = null; (img = document.images[i]); i--) { if (itsAllGood && img.src.match(/(.*)\/com_virtuemart\/(.*)\.png$/i) != null) { fnFixPng(img); img.attachEvent("onpropertychange", fnPropertyChanged); } img.style.visibility = "visible"; } var nl = document.getElementsByTagName("INPUT"); for (var i = nl.length - 1, e = null; (e = nl[i]); i--) { if (e.className && e.className.match(/\bimage\b/i) != null) { if (e.src.match(/\.png$/i) != null) { fnFixPng(e); e.attachEvent("onpropertychange", fnPropertyChanged); } e.style.visibility = "visible"; } } } function fnPropertyChanged() { if (window.event.propertyName == "src") { var el = window.event.srcElement; if (!el.src.match(/x\.gif$/i)) { el.filters.item(0).src = el.src; el.src = "x.gif"; } } } function dbg(o) { var s = ""; var i = 0; for (var p in o) { s += p + ": " + o[p] + "\n"; if (++i % 10 == 0) { alert(s); s = ""; } } alert(s); } function fnFixPng(img) { var src = img.src; img.style.width = img.width + "px"; img.style.height = img.height + "px"; img.style.filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='" + src + "', sizingMethod='scale')"; img.src = "components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/blank.gif"; }var MooPrompt = box = new Class({ setOptions: function(options){ this.options = { buttons: 1, width: 300, // Set width of the box height: 0, // Set height of the box (0 = sized to content) maxHeight:100, // Maximum height of the dialog box vertical: 'middle', // top middle bottom horizontal: 'center', // left center right delay: 0, // Delay before closing (0=no delay) overlay: true, // Cover the page showCloseBtn: true, effect: 'grow' // 'grow' - Expands box from a middle point and fades in content // 'slide' - Slides in the box from the nearest side. // button1: 'Ok' --- supply this for setting button text // onButton1: function --- supply function for button action }; // Object.extend(this.options, options || {}); $extend(this.options, options || {}); // code modified by JK for mootools 1.2 }, initialize: function(title, content, options){ this.setOptions(options); this.title = title; this.text = content; if (this.options.overlay) { this.overlay = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbOverlay'); this.overlay.setStyles({ 'position': 'absolute', 'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'width': '100%', 'visibility': 'hidden' }).injectInside(document.body); } this.container = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbContainer'); this.container.setStyles({ 'position': 'absolute', 'visibility': 'hidden' }).injectInside(document.body); this.box = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbBox'); this.box.setStyles({ 'width': this.options.width+'px', 'overflow': 'auto' }).injectInside(this.container); if (this.box.getStyle('background-color') == '' || this.box.getStyle('background-color') == 'transparent') { this.box.setStyle('background-color', this.container.getStyle('background-color')); } if( this.options.showCloseBtn ) { this.closeBtn = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbCloseButton'); this.closeBtn.onclick = this.close.pass(['close'], this); this.closeBtn.injectInside(this.box); } this.header = new Element('h3').setProperty('class', 'cbHeader').appendText(this.title).injectInside(this.box); this.content = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbContent').injectInside(this.box); if ($type(content) == 'element' ) { content.injectInside(this.content); } else { this.content.setHTML(this.text); } this.buttons = new Element('div').setProperty('class', 'cbButtons').injectInside(this.box); if (this.buttons.getStyle('background-color') == '' || this.buttons.getStyle('background-color') == 'transparent') { this.buttons.setStyle('background-color', this.box.getStyle('background-color')); } for (var i = 1; i <= this.options.buttons; i++) { if (typeof(this.options['button'+i]) == 'undefined') { this.options['button'+i] = 'Button'; } if ($type(this.options['button'+i]) == 'element') { this['button'+i] = this.options['button'+i] this['button'+i].injectInside(this.buttons); } else { this['button'+i] = new Element('input').setProperties({type: 'button', value: this.options['button'+i]}).injectInside(this.buttons); } if (typeof(this.options['button'+i]) == 'undefined') { this.options['onButton'+i] = Class.empty; } this['button'+i].setProperty('class', 'button cbButton'); this['button'+i].onclick = this.close.pass([this.options['onButton'+i]], this); } this.boxHeight = (this.box.offsetHeight < this.options.maxHeight) ? this.box.offsetHeight : this.options.maxHeight; this.boxHeight = (this.options.height > 0) ? this.options.height : this.boxHeight; this._position(); this.eventPosition = this._position.bind(this); window.addEvent('scroll', this.eventPosition).addEvent('resize', this.eventPosition); this.box.setStyle('display', 'none'); if (this.options.overlay) { this.fx1 = new Fx.Style(this.overlay, 'opacity', {duration:100}).custom(0, .8); } if (this.options.effect == 'grow') { this.container.setStyle('top', (Window.getScrollTop()+(Window.getHeight()/2))+'px'); var style = {}; style.height = 0; style.width = 0; if (this.options.horizontal != 'center') { style[this.options.horizontal] = (this.options.width/2)+'px'; } if (this.options.vertical == 'top') { style[this.options.vertical] = (Window.getScrollTop()+(this.boxHeight/2))+'px'; } else if (this.options.vertical == 'bottom') { style.top = (Window.getScrollTop()+Window.getHeight()-(this.boxHeight/2)-25)+'px'; } this.container.setStyles(style); this.container.setStyle('visibility', ''); this.fx2 = new Fx.Styles(this.container, {duration:100}); this.fx2.custom({ 'width': [0, this.options.width], 'margin-left': [0, -this.options.width/2], 'margin-right': [0, -this.options.width/2], 'height': [0, this.boxHeight], 'margin-top': [0, -this.boxHeight/2], 'margin-bottom': [0, -this.boxHeight/2] }).chain(function() { this.box.setStyles({ 'visibility': 'hidden', 'display': '', 'height': this.boxHeight+'px' }); new Fx.Style(this.box, 'opacity', {duration:100}).custom(0, 1).chain(function() { if (this.options.delay > 0) { var fn = function () { this.close() }.bind(this).delay(this.options.delay); } }.bind(this)); }.bind(this)); } else { this.container.setStyles({ 'height': this.boxHeight, 'width': this.options.width, 'left': '', 'visibility': 'hidden' }); this.box.setStyles({ 'visibility': '', 'display': '', 'height': this.boxHeight+'px' }); this.fx2 = new Fx.Styles(this.container, {duration:100}); var special = {}; if (this.options.horizontal != 'center') { special[this.options.horizontal] = [-this.options.width, 0]; } else { this.container.setStyles({ 'left': '50%', 'margin-left': (-this.options.width/2)+'px', 'margin-right': (-this.options.width/2)+'px' }); } if (this.options.vertical == 'top') { special[this.options.vertical] = [Window.getScrollTop()-this.boxHeight, Window.getScrollTop()]; } else if (this.options.vertical == 'bottom') { special.top = [Window.getScrollTop()+Window.getHeight(), Window.getScrollTop()+Window.getHeight()-this.boxHeight-25]; } else { this.container.setStyles({ 'top': (Window.getScrollTop()+(Window.getHeight()/2))+'px', 'margin-top': (-this.boxHeight/2)+'px', 'margin-bottom': (-this.boxHeight/2)+'px' }); } special.opacity = [0, 1]; this.fx2.custom(special).chain(function() { if (this.options.delay > 0) { var fn = function () { this.close() }.bind(this).delay(this.options.delay); } }.bind(this)); } }, _position: function() { var wHeight = (Window.getScrollHeight() > Window.getHeight()) ? Window.getScrollHeight() : Window.getHeight(); //var bHeight = this.container.getStyle('height').toInt(); var lr = (this.options.effect == 'grow') ? this.options.width/2 : 0; var tb = (this.options.effect == 'grow') ? this.boxHeight/2 : 0; if (this.options.overlay) { this.overlay.setStyles({height: wHeight+'px'}); } switch(this.options.vertical) { case 'top': this.container.setStyle('top', (Window.getScrollTop()+tb)+'px'); break; case 'middle': this.container.setStyle('top', (Window.getScrollTop()+(Window.getHeight()/2))+'px'); break; case 'bottom': this.container.setStyle('top', (Window.getScrollTop()+Window.getHeight()-this.boxHeight+tb-25)+'px'); break; } if (this.options.horizontal == 'center') { this.container.setStyle('left', '50%'); } else { this.container.setStyle(this.options.horizontal, lr+'px'); } }, close: function(fn) { for (var i = 1; i <= this.options.buttons; i++) { this['button'+i].onclick = null; } if (this.options.overlay) {this.fx1.clearTimer();} this.fx2.clearTimer(); if (typeof(fn) == 'function') { fn(); } if (this.options.overlay) {new Fx.Style(this.overlay, 'opacity', {duration:250}).custom(.8, 0);} new Fx.Style(this.container, 'opacity', { duration:250, onComplete: function() { window.removeEvent('scroll', this.eventPosition).removeEvent('resize', this.eventPosition); if (this.options.overlay) { this.overlay.remove(); } try{ this.container.remove(); } catch(e){} }.bind(this) }).custom(1, 0); } }); MooPrompt.implement(new Chain);